Oy the kvetching in this one! This is part two of our conversation with Alison Martino and boy are she and our host working themselves up in a lather about the changes in LA. That’s what happens when you get two born and bred Los Angelinos together talking about Vintage Los Angeles. But when you have a brand such as Alison’s own Vintage LA, how could you not? So just get ready for a deep dive into long gone LA landmarks like The Garden of Allah, Butterfields, House of Blues, Tower Records and more.
Aside from old LA, we also get to take hear some fabulous insider stories about Alison’s dad Al Martino getting the part of Johnny Fontaine in Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather which is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year as well as Paramount+’s streaming service limited series, The Offer. What’s the series about? It’s about the alleged/fictional/partly true story of how Al Martino got offered the part in The Godfather. If you love the inner workings of old Vegas, check out the stories about when ‘da boys’ ran it as we hear first-hand accounts of how to get guests on the floor and gambling when Edie Adams was in the room We are certainly eavesdropping on a conversation today, which is very much an apt description of today’s episode suggested by Alison. So thank you Alison. And we will take you up on the offer to host an upcoming episode….Josh would love to be your guest. This is the Rarified Heir Podcast.
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